Community Mural at Savage Library

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As part of the City’s ongoing placemaking initiative to create meaningful places and spaces that foster a sense of belonging and promote civic pride, the City is installing a permanent mural outside the new Savage Library expansion. The Savage Library is one of our community’s most diverse gathering spaces, making it an ideal location for the mural due to its visibility and importance to residents.

About the project

  • The mural will be a complete mosaic made from glass tiles and mirrors
  • The theme of the mural will focus on community, inclusion, and belonging
  • Budget: $50,000, funded by proceeds from the Liquor Operation
  • Expected completion: August 31, 2025.

As part of the City’s ongoing placemaking initiative to create meaningful places and spaces that foster a sense of belonging and promote civic pride, the City is installing a permanent mural outside the new Savage Library expansion. The Savage Library is one of our community’s most diverse gathering spaces, making it an ideal location for the mural due to its visibility and importance to residents.

About the project

  • The mural will be a complete mosaic made from glass tiles and mirrors
  • The theme of the mural will focus on community, inclusion, and belonging
  • Budget: $50,000, funded by proceeds from the Liquor Operation
  • Expected completion: August 31, 2025.

Add your comments and ideas

To create artwork that authentically represents our community, we need your input! The mural will focus on the main themes of community, inclusion, and belonging. Please share your ideas and comments on what that means to you and what you would like the community mural to look like or include. The artist team will use this community input to create the final mural design. Ideas will be accepted through February 22, 2025. 

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

It would be great to show a history time line such as: Dakotah Villages, settlers & farms, Dan Patch & Savage, The World War ll camp, development of communities & the diverse ethnic families of current days. Children of all diverse backgrounds demonstration a number of action items, playing in parks, reading outside of the library, biking, basketball, baseball, etc.

Gail 20 days ago

Interested in seeing concepts important to Savage like nature / inclusion should reflect Savage from a demographic standpoint and show all ages, pigments, and abilities in a positive light / need a large mural that can be seen from a distance easily vs. many small topics in the space

Kathy Peterson about 1 month ago

The library building is a community gathering place. Yes, it’s a library! It’s also home to the Savage Arts Council, Dan Patch Historical Society, Senior Center and community outreach services offered by Scott County. And don’t forget the Native American roots. Might the mural be a depiction of all of this - as a community resource with many different parts?

Nancy about 1 month ago

An invitation for all to seek knowledge, understanding, and wisdom outside of themselves.

SarahCulb about 1 month ago

Include Marion Savage and Dan Patch. Also cargill and Savage's contributions during world War 2

mark0529 about 1 month ago

I love Ava S. idea. Wonderful for a library and welcoming community.

JOJO about 1 month ago

If you feel it is necessary to spend money on this it would be nice to see ponds, wetlands, animals. Represent nature not people.

bblwtr about 1 month ago

Save the money and don't waste it on some funky mural!!

Frosty about 1 month ago

Save the money and don't waste it on some funky mural!!

Frosty about 1 month ago

Time to get back to "One nation, under God". I want a painting of Christ dying for us on the cross, with the heavens opening above to bring Him to the right hand of the father.

Laymen about 1 month ago

I would love to contribute ideas to the design -is there a link to send submissions or an email address?

Jelynn about 1 month ago

To whom this may concern,
As a near by resident and former art student, photographer and teacher, I would love to see a mural that shows a depiction of children of all ages & races enjoying the love of reading. I can imagine a mural where children are enthralled in a book where their imaginations take them into the story. It would be great to depict classic storybooks such as Winnie the Pooh, Peter rabbit, secret garden, and jungle book. Having themselves fighting off dragons & pirates or playing with Bambi in a meadow or flying with fairies. Creating an image such as these would definitely spark a love of reading in all children. If they can imagine themselves doing it, imagine what they can dream up next. Thanks for considering this idea. Have a wonderful day! - Ava Schultz

Ava S. about 1 month ago
Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025, 06:08 AM