February 22 2025

Community In-put Workshop

Join the mural artists Lynda Grafito, Eh Soe Dwe, and Nicolas Castillo for an interactive collage-making workshop to generate ideas and inspiration for creating a mural design representing our community. This is a FREE workshop. All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. No registration is required. Materials and snacks provided.

Saturday, February 22, 2025
10 a.m. - noon
Savage Library
13090 Alabama Ave. 

Questions?  Contact Communications Director Emily Gunderson at egunderson@savagemn.gov or 982-882-2655. 

April 03 2025

Mosaic-making Workshop - FULL

Create a piece of our mural.

Community members are invited to this hands-on mosaic-making workshop, where you will learn how to create a mosaic tile that will be used in the final design. You will learn how to use the tools and techniques of making mosaics using glass tiles. No experience required. All ages and skill levels are welcome! This workshop is FREE. Materials and snacks provided. 

Thursday, April 3 - FULL 
5 - 7 p.m.
Savage Library, 13090 Alabama Ave.

Questions?  Contact Communications Director Emily Gunderson at egunderson@savagemn.gov or 982-882-2655.

April 05 2025

Mosaic-making Workshop - FULL

Create a piece of our mural.

Community members are invited to this hands-on mosaic-making workshop, where you will learn how to create a mosaic tile that will be used in the final design. You will learn how to use the tools and techniques of making mosaics using glass tiles. No experience required. All ages and skill levels are welcome! This workshop is FREE. Materials and snacks provided.  

Saturday, April 5 - FULL 
10 a.m. - Noon
Savage Library, 13090 Alabama Ave.

Questions?  Contact Communications Director Emily Gunderson at egunderson@savagemn.gov or 982-882-2655.

April 10 2025

Mosaic-making Workshop -FULL

Create a piece of our mural.

Community members are invited to this hands-on mosaic-making workshop, where you will learn how to create a mosaic tile that will be used in the final design. You will learn how to use the tools and techniques of making mosaics using glass tiles. No experience required. All ages and skill levels are welcome! This workshop is FREE. Materials and snacks provided.  

Thursday, April 10 - FULL 
5 - 7 p.m.
Savage Library, 13090 Alabama Ave.

Questions?  Contact Communications Director Emily Gunderson at egunderson@savagemn.gov or 982-882-2655.

April 12 2025

Mosaic-making Workshop -FULL

Create a piece of our mural.

Community members are invited to this hands-on mosaic-making workshop, where you will learn how to create a mosaic tile that will be used in the final design. You will learn how to use the tools and techniques of making mosaics using glass tiles. No experience required. All ages and skill levels are welcome! This workshop is FREE. Materials and snacks provided. 

Saturday, April 12 - FULL
10 a.m. - Noon
Savage Library, 13090 Alabama Ave.

Questions?  Contact Communications Director Emily Gunderson at egunderson@savagemn.gov or 982-882-2655.