What is strategic planning?

    Strategic planning is a long term road map for the City. It identifies priorities of where to focus resources. City leadership uses the strategic plan to guide decisions and operations of the city for years to come. 

    How is the strategic plan used?

    When done right, a strategic plan is embedded into the organization to guide decisions. Examples of how this can be seen in Savage: 

    1. Department work plans identify which strategic planning goal initiatives tie to. 
    2. City memos and documents have a section to state the guiding principle.
    3. Staff prepares budgets with items linked to each strategic plan goal. 

    Why create a strategic plan?

    Strategic plans ensure employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals. By stating a desired goal, we establish agreement around intended outcomes and results.

    Has the city done strategic planning before?

    Yes. The city has guiding principles and focus areas(External link)

    Guiding principles - Six long term principles developed through a broad-based community visioning process in 2004.

    Focus areas - Six short term goals developed through city leadership and key stakeholder engagement in 2019. 

    The strategic planning process for 2022 aims to update the focus areas for the next 5 years.