Strategic Plan 2022
Consultation has concluded.
Update July 2022: The Strategic Plan process for 2022 is complete as of July. This page can be used for background and results of the process.
The City of Savage is planning for the future.
In 2022 the City reviewed and updated its Five-Year Strategic Plan that was last updated in 2019. The Strategic Plan serves as the City's roadmap and is used to prioritize initiatives, focus resources, and ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals.
The City completed the strategic plan process in July 2022. The result is the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.
Update July 2022: The Strategic Plan process for 2022 is complete as of July. This page can be used for background and results of the process.
The City of Savage is planning for the future.
In 2022 the City reviewed and updated its Five-Year Strategic Plan that was last updated in 2019. The Strategic Plan serves as the City's roadmap and is used to prioritize initiatives, focus resources, and ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals.
The City completed the strategic plan process in July 2022. The result is the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.
Consultation has concluded.
Strategic Plan Summary
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Vision, Mission, and Priorities Approved
Share Vision, Mission, and Priorities Approved on Facebook Share Vision, Mission, and Priorities Approved on Twitter Share Vision, Mission, and Priorities Approved on Linkedin Email Vision, Mission, and Priorities Approved linkThe final piece to the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was approved on July 18, 2022 at the City Council meeting. The mission, vision and priorities were approved. Thank you to everyone - council members, commission members, staff, and residents - for your participation in the strategic planning process.
Vision and Mission Finalized
Share Vision and Mission Finalized on Facebook Share Vision and Mission Finalized on Twitter Share Vision and Mission Finalized on Linkedin Email Vision and Mission Finalized linkAt the July 11, 2022 work session, City Council finalized the vision and mission statement for the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.
Proposed vision – Savage is an inclusive community for all ages and stages of life. A safe, welcoming place with abundant natural amenities. We honor our unique history while simultaneously planning our growth and the creation of a dynamic, full-service city.
Proposed mission – Our mission is to maintain and enhance a high quality of life in the city. We do this through the delivery of reliable, resilient, cost-effective services and thoughtfully planned growth.
The vision and mission are scheduled to be approved at the July 18, 2022 City Council meeting. Agenda and meeting details can be found on the City's website.
Mission, Vision, Values Considered
Share Mission, Vision, Values Considered on Facebook Share Mission, Vision, Values Considered on Twitter Share Mission, Vision, Values Considered on Linkedin Email Mission, Vision, Values Considered linkThe City Council will consider the mission, vision, and values as part of the Strategic Plan at the Council Work Session on July 11, 2022 at 7 pm at City Hall. Agenda materials can be found on the City's website.
Strategic Plan Approved
Share Strategic Plan Approved on Facebook Share Strategic Plan Approved on Twitter Share Strategic Plan Approved on Linkedin Email Strategic Plan Approved linkOn Monday, May 16 the City Council motioned to approve the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan Priorities, and bring the mission, vision, and values back for future discussion. The future discussion is planned for July 11, 2022.
The next step is for staff to communicate and start implementing the Strategic Plan.
Report to Council
Share Report to Council on Facebook Share Report to Council on Twitter Share Report to Council on Linkedin Email Report to Council linkThe final Strategic Planning report will be presented to City Council on May 16, 2022 at 7 pm. A Draft Report is posted in the Documents Section to the right.
To listen to the meeting live, visit Savage TV.
City Leadership Staff Meeting
Share City Leadership Staff Meeting on Facebook Share City Leadership Staff Meeting on Twitter Share City Leadership Staff Meeting on Linkedin Email City Leadership Staff Meeting linkCity staff leadership met on April 20 to add details to the strategic plan priorities. The next step is for the consultant to finalize the goals in the final report, which will be presented to City Council on May 16, 2022.
Strategic Plan Priorities
Share Strategic Plan Priorities on Facebook Share Strategic Plan Priorities on Twitter Share Strategic Plan Priorities on Linkedin Email Strategic Plan Priorities linkThrough the City Council retreat on April 2, these four priorities were identified:
- Community Engagement
- Planned Redevelopment & Downtown
- Maintain and Enhanced Parks and Amenities
- Workforce Capacity
These four priorities will be the foundation for the strategic plan. The next step is to add details in the staff meetings in April.
Council Retreat Complete
Share Council Retreat Complete on Facebook Share Council Retreat Complete on Twitter Share Council Retreat Complete on Linkedin Email Council Retreat Complete linkThe City Council and city staff leadership met on April 2, 2022 for a Strategic Plan Retreat. The group accomplished the following:
- Refined the City's vision, mission and values.
- Summarized strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats for the organization.
- Set 4 focus areas for the next 5-7 years, with outcomes, targets and indicators for each area.
The focus areas and notes from the meeting will be summarized and distributed soon. The next step is for city leadership to meet in April to form the corresponding action items from the focus areas.
Input Presentation Materials
Share Input Presentation Materials on Facebook Share Input Presentation Materials on Twitter Share Input Presentation Materials on Linkedin Email Input Presentation Materials linkInputs collected for the strategic plan from residents, staff, and appointed officials were presented to City Council at the March 14, 2022 Work Session. The full agenda item can be viewed at the City of Savage website.
Summary of the presentation of inputs:
Environmental Scan
- Data on the city organization, finances, economy and housing stock
Community Survey
- 2020 survey summary of resident feedback of city services
Staff/Commission Survey
- Internal survey of city staff and commission members
Commission Focus Group
- Members from the city's commissions gave in-depth feedback on priorities
The next step is the City Council retreat on April 2, 2022.
Environmental Scan
Gather Inputs
Strategic Plan 2022 has finished this stageJanuary - February 2022
Gather inputs from community, commissions, staff and council.
Present Inputs
Strategic Plan 2022 has finished this stageMarch 14, 2022
Present inputs to City Council.
Strategic Plan 2022 has finished this stageApril 2022
Series of staff and council meetings.
Develop Initiatives
Strategic Plan 2022 has finished this stageApril 2022
Consultant summarizes inputs and retreat themes.
Draft Report
Strategic Plan 2022 has finished this stageMay 18, 2022
Presentation of report and focus areas to Council.
Final Approval
Strategic Plan 2022 is currently at this stageJuly 18, 2022
Council approved the final vision, mission, and strategic priorities.
Who's Listening
Phone 952-882-2668 Email