Harbor Suites of Savage Senior Memory Care

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Applications for this project have been approved by the City of Savage. The project will require a Developer's Agreement with the City of Savage which will be considered at an upcoming City Council meeting and construction is anticipated to occur in 2025.


Harbor Suites Senior Development and Amcon Construction are proposing to develop a one-story, 12,823 square foot senior memory care facility building, including 18 private suite units ,13 surfaced parking spaces, and landscape improvements to serve the care needs of the elderly needing memory care services. This is an existing, vacant 2.33-acre parcel located on the NE corner of CR 27 & 154th St. (PID 269320181), outlined in red on the images below. The applicant is requesting the property to be zoned as R-3, High Density Residential District, as a permitted use listed within the City Code. The proposed use will align with the Mixed-Use land use designation as the property is currently guided within the City's 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Along with the proposed request for R-3 zoning, a Preliminary and Final Plat application to formally plat the property is also being requested along with a Site Plan application for the proposed building and site improvements. The application for the Preliminary Plat will require a public hearing which will occur at a Planning Commission meeting. The proposed project will be reviewed and considered by the Planning Commission, and by the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee (for park land dedication fees in lieu of land) followed by final review, consideration, and action by the City Council.

The proposed plans submitted, narrative, and neighborhood meeting notification are available for public review under Documents on the right-hand side of the page. City staff will review the application submittal and schedule a public hearing, and those upcoming meeting dates will be posted once they have been determined.

The City of Savage acquired the property at the intersection of County Road 27 and 154th St. in 2006, intending to develop it. The EDA sold the property to the developer in 2018, and there was a public hearing.

This site was previously referred to as the ‘Credit Riverbank’ site, and a previous concept plan included a proposed coffee tenant and a potential mixed-use commercial project. That application was withdrawn and is no longer being sought as a project for this site.

For more information regarding this project or any other planning projects in the city, please contact the Planning Department at 952-882-2650 or email savageplanning@savagemn.gov.



Applications for this project have been approved by the City of Savage. The project will require a Developer's Agreement with the City of Savage which will be considered at an upcoming City Council meeting and construction is anticipated to occur in 2025.


Harbor Suites Senior Development and Amcon Construction are proposing to develop a one-story, 12,823 square foot senior memory care facility building, including 18 private suite units ,13 surfaced parking spaces, and landscape improvements to serve the care needs of the elderly needing memory care services. This is an existing, vacant 2.33-acre parcel located on the NE corner of CR 27 & 154th St. (PID 269320181), outlined in red on the images below. The applicant is requesting the property to be zoned as R-3, High Density Residential District, as a permitted use listed within the City Code. The proposed use will align with the Mixed-Use land use designation as the property is currently guided within the City's 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Along with the proposed request for R-3 zoning, a Preliminary and Final Plat application to formally plat the property is also being requested along with a Site Plan application for the proposed building and site improvements. The application for the Preliminary Plat will require a public hearing which will occur at a Planning Commission meeting. The proposed project will be reviewed and considered by the Planning Commission, and by the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee (for park land dedication fees in lieu of land) followed by final review, consideration, and action by the City Council.

The proposed plans submitted, narrative, and neighborhood meeting notification are available for public review under Documents on the right-hand side of the page. City staff will review the application submittal and schedule a public hearing, and those upcoming meeting dates will be posted once they have been determined.

The City of Savage acquired the property at the intersection of County Road 27 and 154th St. in 2006, intending to develop it. The EDA sold the property to the developer in 2018, and there was a public hearing.

This site was previously referred to as the ‘Credit Riverbank’ site, and a previous concept plan included a proposed coffee tenant and a potential mixed-use commercial project. That application was withdrawn and is no longer being sought as a project for this site.

For more information regarding this project or any other planning projects in the city, please contact the Planning Department at 952-882-2650 or email savageplanning@savagemn.gov.

  • Council approves preliminary and final plat and wetland replacement plan.

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    On March 3, 2025, the City Council approved the preliminary and final plat, parkland dedication fees, site plan, and zoning for the 18-unit Harbor Suites of Savage Memory Care facility. The council also approved the Wetland Replacement Plan, which includes the purchase of 0.76 acres of wetland credits for $37,740.

Page last updated: 14 Mar 2025, 08:59 AM