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Based on public input and detailed scoring of each playground design, Playground Concept F was selected for the new Creek Hill Park playground. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. The equipment is on order and is expected to be installed in Spring 2025. Stay tuned for more information on the grand opening! 
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Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey to help select the playground design for the new Creek Hill Park in south Savage. We received 155 surveys. Survey results along with input from residents who attended the neighborhood open house on October 28 will help the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Commission decide which concept to recommend to the City Council at the November 4 City Council meeting.
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Help us select a playground design for our new Creek Hill Park in south Savage. We welcome kids and adults to tell us which of the playground concepts looks most fun and will create a space that kids and families will enjoy for years to come. This is your park, so please help us make it what you want! There are two ways to share your input:
Review all seven of the playground design concepts and take our short 2-question survey.
Survey closes October 28 at NOON.
2. In-Person Open House
Residents young and old are invited to attend an in-person Open House to view the playground concepts and provide feedback:
October 28 from 5 - 6: 30 p.m.
Council Chambers Lobby at Savage City Hall
6000 McColl Dr.
All the input will be shared with the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resource Commission (PRNRC) who will make a recommendation to Council at the October 28 PRNRC Meeting. The City Council will make the final decision on a playground design in November.
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And the name is......Creek Hill Park!
Creek Hill Park is the recommended name for our newest neighborhood park! Thank you to everyone who submitted naming ideas. We had 40 contributors and 28 ideas submitted. In July, all of the name submissions that fit the criteria of our naming policy were presented to the PRNRC at their July 22 commission meeting. The PRNRC discussed each submission and agreed that Creek Hill Park was the name of choice to recommend to the Council. On August 19, staff will bring this recommendation to the City Council for final consideration.
The new park site plan has been provided, and construction will begin soon. The playground equipment selection process is planned to begin in September and will include input from the public. Follow this project on Let's Talk Savage for updates and opportunities to share your ideas and input on this ongoing project.
If you have questions about this project, please reach out to Public Works Director Greg Boatman at link) or 952-224-3423.