Council approved updates to the Refuse Container Ordinance.
The City of Savage City Council has recently updated the Refuse Container Ordinance to allow more storage options for residents. These changes go into effect July 1, 2024.
The old ordinance had been in place since 2012 and required all refuse and recycling containers to be kept out of public view except on collection day. However, “out of public view” can be interpreted in many ways, and for the last several years, containers stored outside in the side or rear yard or beyond the front elevation of the structure were not being enforced as violating the code. So, the goal was to update the city code to ensure the language matched how it was being enforced.
Before making this change, city staff gathered input from 500+ residents through letstalksavage.com and the City’s social media pages. Staff also conducted over 2,000 observations in 19 different neighborhoods, analyzed data, reviewed comments, and spoke with residents to gauge the community’s preferences. Based on this information and staff recommendation, the City Council passed an ordinance to include more options on where to store your trash and recycling containers so it is consistent with how it is enforced. Here is what the updated ordinance allows:
What’s allowed:
- Cans stored inside your garage
- Side or rear yard storage without screening - NEW
- On the side of your home (within 3' of the building - NEW
What’s not allowed:
Cans stored on the driveway or front yard of your home
Overflowing containers - material must be bagged and enclosed in the container. Lids must be securely closed to prevent nuisance odors and rodent infestation.
Extra bags of waste outside of a container. Keep extra refuse out of public view until refuse pick-up day.
Litter and trash blowing around
For residents in a homeowners association, the ordinance would not lessen any existing HOA rules or bylaws.
Bulk Refuse Containers
Council also took this opportunity to update the code to allow the temporary use of bulk refuse containers, including roll-off dumpsters and PODs. These bulk containers must be kept entirely on private property for a maximum of 30 days per year except under an open building permit where work is being actively performed. Smaller containers like Bagsters, which are under five cubic yards, are permitted for a maximum of 14 days.
This project is no longer seeking public input. Check back to Let's Talk Savage for results and next steps.