Parks and Recreation Master Plan Approved!

Last September, the City of Savage began a 14-month-long process of developing a new Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This plan aimed to establish a clear, 20-year vision for the Savage parks, trails, recreation, and open space systems based on anticipated demographics and economic and social changes over the next 20 years. The master plan will be the guiding document that identifies long-term infrastructure and recreational improvements so people of all ages, abilities, and cultural backgrounds feel welcome and represented in our park system.
Throughout the process, extensive community engagement through the City’s online engagement platform Let’s Talk Savage, pop-up workshops, community meetings, and community outreach events were used to gather input on the community’s vision for our city park system. “Through this process, we learned a lot,” stated Public Works/Parks and Recreation Director Greg Boatman. “We learned what our parks have been, what they are currently, what we need them to be, and how to achieve the desired outcome.”
Next steps
The Savage City Council adopted the Parks Master Plan on November 6, 2023. Now, staff will develop an implementation plan, including funding opportunities and high-level cost estimates to address park improvements, programming, partnerships, staffing, maintenance, policies, and procedure recommendations.
Read the Final Parks and Recreation Master Plan,
Consultation has concluded