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Effective August 1, 2019, Minnesota cities have the authority to set speed limits on streets they control. We know speeding is a common concern of residents, so the City is taking this opportunity to review existing speed limits on local collector streets to provide safe travel for all modes of mobility. The current speed limit on local residential streets is set at 30 mph, however, the speed limit on collector streets is inconsistent.
What is a collector street? Roads are classified based on their function and purpose. A collector street is a road that "collects" traffic from residential streets and connects to higher-capacity roads like highways and county roads. Typically, traffic using a collector is usually going to or coming from somewhere nearby. Here is a map of collector streets in Savage.
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Use this interactive comment map below to view the collector roadways the City is reviewing and leave your feedback. Your input on areas of concern and ideas for improvement are valuable.
Effective August 1, 2019, Minnesota cities have the authority to set speed limits on streets they control. We know speeding is a common concern of residents, so the City is taking this opportunity to review existing speed limits on local collector streets to provide safe travel for all modes of mobility. The current speed limit on local residential streets is set at 30 mph, however, the speed limit on collector streets is inconsistent.
What is a collector street? Roads are classified based on their function and purpose. A collector street is a road that "collects" traffic from residential streets and connects to higher-capacity roads like highways and county roads. Typically, traffic using a collector is usually going to or coming from somewhere nearby. Here is a map of collector streets in Savage.
Share your Input
Use this interactive comment map below to view the collector roadways the City is reviewing and leave your feedback. Your input on areas of concern and ideas for improvement are valuable.